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Welcome to Beyond Vanadiel! Here, we talk about automotive and everything that revolves around automotive.

The automotive world has experienced many changes, making process improvements applying the most advanced methodologies for the optimization of time and resources. Optimizing your supply channels, automating your production process to become a leading sector worldwide.

But before so much change, what we can not imagine, that one of the changes that will have more impact on the automotive sector, is about to arrive, and that will not be in 10 or 20 years, but 4 to 5 years at most.

More wood.

The extraction costs were controlled, and therefore the final price too. Now, we find that the amount of new deposits has been reduced year after year, locating new deposits is done at an increasingly high cost, and there are already oil companies that have said that the cost is already so high, they prefer to invest that money in renewables.

So, we are going to find a reduction in the amount of fuel available on the market, and its consequent increase in price.

It’s forbidden to enter with your car.

Has already made the necessary legislation to initiate the necessary change to meet several challenges, one, a future fuel shortage, something that can not be published and disseminated to the fourth winds, and on the other hand a pollution issue, which is a very real problem of cities.

We are already seeing some beginnings, such as marking each vehicle with a sticker, of what level of pollution it has, and thus prevent on certain days, that those who pollute the most do not enter the center, or do not circulate in the city.

You’re not even gonna get away with a hybrid.

With the new Climate Change Act, vehicles that are Diesel, Gasoline or Hybrid will be prohibited from entering towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants.

Basically, only electric cars can enter.

Fewer accidents, fewer breakdowns and less maintenance.

With all the quantity of sensors that the new cars take, the sheet metal workshops and they have noticed a strong caidad of the business.

The new cars whistle when you are parking, so that you don’t touch objects and vehicles near your car, cars that press a button, park alone, cars that when an object appears in front of them, brake automatically.

All this has caused the number of small blows to fall, and directly affected the business of the workshops.

But there is another business, which is very important for workshops, which is maintenance, in a normal car, we have a very complex mechanics, but what will happen when we remove all that complexity?

And what about the electric ones that are even less complex? In terms of mechanics, what is going to happen is that the workshop business is literally going to disappear, basic annual revisions, and with a minimum cost.

I don’t have, and I don’t want a car.

Having a car, and having a car of a certain brand, has been very important for many people, but this has already changed. Where you can see it most, it is in big cities, where the possibilities of mobility are very good.

You open an application, tell it where you want to go, it tells you the price, you say OK, and it takes you. Do you really need to buy a car? pay fees, insurance, road tax, maintenance, parking, etc.

For the machines, we produce too much.

With all that said, the volume of vehicles in the world, is going to be reduced significantly. And this will directly affect the production plants, example of the future, the case of Tesla with its super factory, with one super factory per brand will suffice, or a super factory shared by several brands.

Direct impact to plant jobs, and direct impact to the entire automotive sector, from spare parts, and workshops, with the reduction of vehicles and the drastic reduction of accidents, the business will be greatly diminished.

Another sector that will be greatly impacted is insurance, fewer cars, less insurance, but this sector is very forward-looking, and has been preparing and preparing its teams for some time, in this sense.

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